What these criteria are and what you should consider in your link building strategy. number of links That was the first executive list criterion adopted by Google. It was the basis of PageRank: the more links the site received, the more relevant it was. The number of links to a page showed its popularity on the web .Today, that criteria remains one of the most important factors in Google's link evaluation. But it can not come alone: it is no use receiving many links from sites that are not relevant or reliable. It is necessary to combine the executive list quantity with the factors that we will see below. Link Diversity What do you think is worth more: one person who tells you many times that you are kind, or several people who tell you once that you are kind?
The more different people speak well of you, the more recognition you will have in your group. That's also what Google thinks. To executive list the search engine, the site proves to have more authority when it receives links from several different domains . For this reason, the diversity of the profile of the links is also included in the executive list evaluation. Link context Google can also understand the context around the link to see if it's really relevant .First, understand that links from sites related to your area of expertise have more value, as they make more sense to that site's audience. Google also evaluates the words that appear near the link, also called co-occurrences.
These help the search engine to executive list understand the topic of the page and if the link makes sense in that context. In addition to the words, Google also evaluates the other links that are nearby. If they are also links to quality sites, the page gains more relevance and transmits link juice .But if you already have a large number of links, your page tends to executive list receive less link juice, since the site is already passing on your authority to many other portals on the Internet. In addition, the position of the link also counts. If it's in the main content, it was probably inserted with editorial intent and therefore has more value , especially when it's at the beginning of the text.