That ten kilometer race that he has been preparing for weeks. For us to understand each other, these effects of physical exercise on our brain employ the same mechanisms as sexual pleasure. Very interesting… but is that all? Of course not. Endorphins do not fully explain the effects of physical exercise on the brain or the well-being associated with sport. For example, another way of activating the feeling of happinesslinked to sport is composed of everything that surrounds the physical effort itself. Think of a sport, whatever you like or would like to practice,
and imagine yourself doing it regularly, for a long period of time, striving together with a group of friends: the happiness of sharing it, finding yourself more agile, healthier, stronger every day , learn little by little from frustration, joy, perseverance... Not to e commerce photo editing mention the feeling of being able to climb stairs without panting like a buffalo with asthma and the disgusting cycle of joy in which all these emotions submerge you, which at after all, they have a direct impact on your day to day life. Our brain is not stupid and perceives all that evolution that we experience as an adaptive result of physical exercise , so it seeks to cause us the greatest possible well-being so that we want to do
it again and again. Our own head makes us feel that we have increased our well-being because, although we may not yet know it, it is what we have done.oddly enough, we've been in a pandemic for more than a year. It has been a long time since i wrote my first article on this topic, and each one of us has been affected in a different way: there may have been loss of loved ones, job changes, situations of loneliness, sadness... All these situations can go damaging our mental health, so it is necessary to take the appropriate measures to preserve it at all levels. Adequate care