Vertical at the same time, dare we say "three-dimensional" . But obviously, this ability needs to be refined and refined, and precisely to avoid the sterile idling described by Sartori. The more the subject has mental lucidity , depth of thought and emotional calm, the more this type of three-dimensional, analogical, associative connections flow in the best and most productive way. And this is perhaps another of the lessons that the new media grant us, by analyzing , depth indeed. The mind is made up of logic yes, but above all of intuitions and associations , a kind of magic that always takes us along the road we are looking for, and which shows us all the various ways that are connected to that road, giving us an even clearer and more depth of events and things. If one thing resembles another despite the apparent difference then.
the two things have a similar basis, or more mobile number list properly we could say that "in their essence they are the same thing". A similarity that is repeated for all the facts of life and in which we are "screwed". An "eternal return" from which one exits only with "understanding", the deep and essential understanding of the "true" and not apparent meaning of things. Back to index Bibliography Eco U., Apocalyptic and integrated: mass communications and theories of mass culture , Bompiani, 1964. Heidegger M., Essays and speeches , edited by Vattimo G., Mursia, 1991. Maragliano R., New multimedia teaching manual.
Laterza Publishers, 2007. McLuhan M., The tools of communication . The Assayer, 2015. Negroponte N., Digital Beings , Sperling & Kupfer, 1995. Plato, Theaetetus , trans. Andrea Capra, Turin, Einaudi, 2018JANUARY 10, 2023 The future of marketing is predictive: definition, examples and benefits of predictive analytics Riccardo Ciccioli Published by Riccardo Ciccioli 10-01-23 Predictive marketing [full cover] "Predictive marketing", in Italian predictive marketing , is a relatively new term for a concept that has been around for decades and which today indicates the right mix of.