You are well on your way when you think from the point of view of the person receiving the email. Think about how much added value you provide for that person. Why should he or she post the link? I'll give you some examples of strategies that might work well for you. Strategy 1. Supplementing existing content It often works very well if you show that you think along and also want to contribute immediately. For example, you can collect a list of blogs about “Useful tips before you go on vacation”. Consider a tip that is not covered on any website. Write this tip down in 100 words and include a link to your website. Tell them in your e-mail that you have a good addition to an existing article for them and that they can copy your text.
A little effort! Strategy. Guest blogging for non-commercial websites This strategy is executed a lot and that is why it often doesn't work well anymore. Yet there are still atmosphere in the phone number list same possibilities here. With guest blogging, you approach multiple blogs and propose to write an extensive article for their target audience. process a backlink in the text and so there is added value again. The disadvantage of this is that most large websites already know exactly that they can make a profit from this and will therefore ask amounts of hundreds to thousands of euros for a guest blog.
The trick is actually to find the websites that are not (yet) commercially oriented. The blogs that are mainly about fashion, being a mother, holidays, etc. are not really suitable for free guest blogs. Look for websites that do have a blog, but don't really have the time to keep it up to date. Strategy 3. Press release (but a really good press release) This strategy is a bit trickier. With a press release that is about something newsworthy, you can arouse the interest of many small and large news websites. But how do you get good news.