Facts and statistics. This article by column five has incredible examples, even animated ones. These are the perfect way to create content for your prospects that is educational, visually appealing, easy to digest, and fun. Consideration once a prospect is in the middle of the funnel, they're aware of your products and services — and they have an idea of how they might help them. They are in the consideration phase. This is when people ask more purchase-focused questions, and compare and weigh their options.
For example, now that your prospect knows their headaches could be from eye strain and you can help them find a cute pair of reading glasses, chances are that before they buy from you, they will research a bit more to see how your products business email list stack up to either more of your other products or other brands’. In short, the middle of the funnel is where your buyers research lots of comparisons. Do they like the frames you have or are there other options? What’s the difference between wireframes and plastic? Is one cheaper or more breakable than the other?
This type of content should help your prospects understand all the ins and outs of their potential choices, and what makes those choices a good or bad fit. Here’s what to consider as you think about each piece of content you create for your consideration-phase prospects. Comparison guides and articles this form of content marketing should help your customers understand all the similarities and differences between their choices. This is where you talk about pros and cons, brand comparison, and comparisons by category. Related: 5 best practices for writing comparison articles for your company the key here is to be extremely candid about your products and services, including potential issues.